
Thursday, June 23, 2011


Procrastination is not something you fit into your schedule, it is not something you plan doing, it is a way of life.What is procrastination?
Encarta dictionaries defines procrastinating as: to postpone doing something, especially as a regular practice.

Why we procrastinate?
The term procrastination has been around since the time of the Trojan War. Hector is the man who invented procrastination. If he had ordered his men to continue to aggravate the Greeks more, Troy would have won but DUE TO HIS CONSTANT "LOVE" FOR HIS WIFE , a big wooden horse was let in and that meant GG to the people of Troy.
As shown in this example:
procrastination=fun, enjoyable relaxing
side effects= evil horse with people inside kill everything while procrastination occurs

How to procrastinate?
-Walking away from your work space and then just going to fridge and looking inside, then going back to your work space. Repeat this about a million times.
- Staring at the ceiling giving every speck of dirt a name
-PEN ROTATION! [You know you love it]
-Having staring contests with stuffed animals
-Spinning in your chair
-Imagining you're with the best looking girl in the world... or even better Pretending what it would be like to be sleeping with the best looking girl in the world.

When would you not procrastinate?
... NEVER!

To express the phenomenon of procrastination, we expressed it in the only way possible, through a curve... and if you're wondering when you are actually procrastinating too much...